a recognized volunteer of the American Red Cross who represents the organization through our club
a trained student leader who works with and assists the American Red Cross Blood Drive Staff to lead campus blood drives and ensure that they run as smoothly as possible
records volunteer attendance
oversees duties and performance of volunteers
maintains a positive, welcoming atmosphere for volunteers and donors
trains and assigns volunteers to stations specific to blood drive needs
signs off on Greek Life hours for volunteers
attends regular, mandatory OSC meetings
Fill out this form to establish interest in the position! Make sure you understand the responsibilities of general volunteers before trying to become an OSC. Email Miran to let him know you are interested.
Join the General SRCC GroupMe (if you haven't already) by clicking this link or scanning the QR code to the right:

Kevin will respond to your form and schedule an in-person training session to go over the role and responsibilities of an OSC with you.
This will be your first training session.
Schedule at least two volunteer shifts at a blood drive, then email the OSC at those shifts requesting to shadow. Make sure you receive a response confirming before showing up to shadow!
At the drives, talk with the OSCs about the drive and your responsibilities. Please record the name of this OSCs; you will need this after the drive.
After the drive, send an email to Kevin with the dates of your blood drive shift, time of your shift, location of blood drive, and the name of OSCs you talked to.
Complete this short online application after you've finished shadowing.
It includes basic info about you, questions about blood donation, and some scenario questions.
Schedule a quick debriefing meeting with Kevin via Zoom.
Congratulations, you are now officially an OSC and will be moved to an Active OSCs GroupMe!